Bone Loss and Menopause

Bone Loss and Menopause

January 30, 20251 min read
Bone Health


Osteoporosis is a common endocrinologic disorder characterized as a chronic bone loss condition.  Gonadal sex hormones including estrogen act as crucial regulators of bone mass; therefore, loss of such hormones leads to an imbalance in skeletal turnover leading to osteoporosis. Estrogen can influence both bone formation as well as resorption (the release of calcium from bone tissue into the blood stream)- BY

reducing (osteoblast activity (the cell that forms new bones or heal bones) and

enhances (osteoclast genesis. (dissolves damaged bone cells)

Additionally, estrogen is a potent regulator of systemic metabolism. Recent studies have provided clues that estrogenic effect on bone might also involve alterations in bone cell metabolism.

While direct effects of gonadal hormones ability to alter intracellular metabolism of bone cells has not been studied, there is precedence within the literature that this is occurring and contributing to post-menopausal bone loss.

For more information on how to maintain your health + vigour with an effective strategy that will help you throughout menopause. Meet me live on teams meet and learn how the TIMELESS SECRETS OF FOOD AS MEDICINE will help you throughout menopause and beyond

For more information,support,education and guidance contact Shanna Hunt at:

  • Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, Nashville, TN, United States

  • Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


Menopause Wellness Coach

Shanna Hunt

Menopause Wellness Coach

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